
Please visit our NEW website at


NCBS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

Mission:  Support activities that foster the resurgence of bluebirds and other native cavity nesting birds in our home area.

The NCBS is committed to this by…
a. engaging in educational, scientific and charitable projects that may be benefit the Eastern Bluebird.

b. engaging in projects that may benefit other cavity-nesting birds in North Carolina.

c. engaging in projects for the preservation of natural resources and protecting the environment.

d. engaging in any lawful activity permitted to the corporation under the laws of NC and the IRS.

Important For You To Know:

Your County Coordinators are there to help you learn and implement best methods for success and safety for your bluebirds. Find your CC and make a new friend in the Newsletter or here on your website.

Your Board of Directors is busy developing ideas such as:

  • Ways to improve communication
  • New items to add to our online store
  • Improved availability of nest boxes